What is sheology?

Desiree Hughes, APRN
Prior to joining she·ology, she worked as a nurse practitioner for Greenview Medical Group/The Glasser Clinic/Bowling Green Medical Clinic and The Medical Center-Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. Before that she was charge nurse in the emergency department at Greenview Regional Hospital. Desiree received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Western Kentucky University and a Master of Science in Nursing from Frontier Nursing University.
Desiree lives in Bowling Green with John, her husband, their son, Jett and their two cocker spaniels, Ruth and Rudy.
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Direct Primary Care (DPC) is an innovative alternative payment model improving access to high functioning healthcare with a simple, flat, affordable membership fee. The defining element of DPC is an enduring and trusting relationship between a patient and her primary care provider.
She·ology is an ideal fit for patients that desire a deeper, more personal look into their complete landscape – not merely from a medical-issue perspective. If you are seeking a genuine relationship with your primary care provider, she·ology welcomes you.
Patients achieve superior health outcomes with Direct Primary Care’s innovative service delivery. DPCs provide better access to physicians, empower an authentic therapeutic relationship, and comprehensive patient care.
She·ology patients are partners with our team as we help them move forward to better health and create a life of wellness.
She·ology membership begins with a personalized meeting with a primary care provider to design an effective and individualized plan.
To become a member, complete the membership inquiry form and a she·ology advisor will contact you.